Twin mirror all endings
Twin mirror all endings

twin mirror all endings

Sam’s mind palace can also be used as a tool on the handful of occasions you need to reconstruct the sequence of events at a crime scene. I felt a greater pull to explore in this otherworldly expanse than I did poking around the sleepy town of Basswood, so I was disappointed that I was so rarely given the chance. These sections are constructed with clumsy chase sequences and overly simplistic environmental puzzles, but their atmosphere at least introduces a welcome jolt of trepidation to Twin Mirror’s otherwise fairly sedate mood. At first these sections seem like a safe haven, but as Sam’s anxiety intensifies over the course of his investigation they soon transform into nightmarish voids. Speaking of shattered illusions, at times Sam will retreat from reality into his “mind palace,” a dreamlike realm where shimmering crystalline shards arrange themselves into fragments of Sam’s memory. At one point I managed to annoy a local coffee shop owner by cutting her off in the middle of a conversation, and when I opened a new dialogue with her immediately afterwards she acted as though we hadn’t spoken in years, which shattered the moment-to-moment illusion that my inputs were having much of an effect on my surroundings. It also doesn’t help that both the acting and motion capture seem noticeably stiff in this post-The Last of Us Part 2 era, or that there’s often no tonal consistency between individual conversations.


So much of the supporting cast is painted in the broadest of strokes and you’re only afforded small windows of opportunity to get to know them. I found the escalating friction between Sam and his hallucinated other half to be far more interesting than any of the other character interactions in Twin Mirror. This tension is further amplified by Sam’s fragile mental state, personified by an imaginary twin who serves as either the angel or the devil on his shoulder, steering him one way or another at the critical junctions that shape Twin Mirror’s branching six-hour story in typical Dontnod style. There’s an immediate sense of hostility toward you from the townsfolk, many of whom place the blame of Basswood’s flagging local economy upon an article Sam wrote exposing the shady standards of the local coal mining industry. While there’s no shortage of intrigue at its outset, Twin Mirror’s lean running time leaves little room to flesh out all the characters in its small town setting or introduce any form of misdirection to its mystery, robbing the reveals in its closing chapters of any real weight or surprise as a result.You play Sam Higgs, an investigative journalist who returns to the West Virginian town of Basswood after a two-year absence when his friend Nick is killed in a tragic car crash. Unfortunately, that’s about as suspenseful things ever get. After waking up in a hotel room early on in Twin Mirror, your shirt covered in blood and the memories of the previous night’s events shrouded in fog, developer Dontnod’s latest adventure initially seems less like a whodunnit and more like a you done it.

Twin mirror all endings